Saturday, January 2, 2010

A New Year

I was noticing a lot of folks are "Happy" for the "New Year", claiming that 2010 will be so much better than that awful 2009. I guess I don't get it. What was so bad about 2009 and how do we know, moments before it's arrival, that 2010 will be any better! I know that my 2009 could have been better, that is for certain, but I have a hard time pinning that issue on anyone but me. You see, regardless of terrorist attacks, political issues and monetary worries, my day to day existence is in my own hands thank you very much. It has always been up to me what my mood was going to be when I got out of bed in the morning. Also my choice on where to work and for how much money. Ditto for what to wear and how much to spend on it. Same goes for car, house, TV vs. get the picture. So, unless I hear any objections, I plan on ignoring those who believe that some cosmic being, Mother Earth or some pantheon of Gods is responsible for my day-to-day happiness in 2010.